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    We provide beginners' lessons and supervised lessons offering ongoing support to both beginners' and intermediate players who wish to improve their game.
    We also have a comprehensive bridge library which is available to members only.

    Basic Beginners' Lessons are usually held in March and September each year:

    • Our next set of bridge lessons will commence on Saturday the 1st of March 2025, they will start at 9am and finish around 11am.
    • All lessons are FREE and the lessons will run for approximately 10 weeks
    • For enrolment or further information, email the Club at [email protected] and we will put you on the list and return your message, alternatively
    • Phone the clubhouse on 3883 4405 after our bridge session times and leave a message
    • A short period of supervised play will follow the lessons and then players will advance to our normal bridge sessions


    You can review the bridge lessons for new and intermediate players by choosing one of the following videos. Click Here


    From time to time, the Club will also hold intermediate lessons to advance your playing and bidding skills. Want to learn more! Click on a subject below

Bergen Raises Cappelletti Convention CRO Gerber Drury Convention
Jacoby 2NT Convention Lawposters Leads signals Lebensohl Convention
Michaels Cue Bid Puppet Stayman Simple Stayman Transfers
Rule of 20 Rule of 11 McKenney_McKinney Discards Weak Two and PREEMPTIVE Baids