Club Closure: The Management Committee has decided to close the clubrooms on Thursday, Friday and Saturday due to tropical cyclone Alfred crossing the coast. The system will bring heavy rainfall and gale force winds. A decision will be made about Monday's session on what occurs over the coming days. GNOT Club Heats: The club heats that were to commence on Thursday the 6th of March will be rescheduled and further advice will be issued once a decision has been made. Bridge Buzz - February 2025: Our latest newsletter can be found on the Documents Tab.More...
The Redcliffe Bridge Club was established in 1967 and has approximately 200 members. The Club conducts six duplicate masterpointed sessions each week and details can be found on the Sessions Tab. Redcliffe welcomes visiting players from overseas and other bridge Clubs.
Players and officials are asked not to attend any event if they are feeling unwell. Those who come to play and self-diagnose that they may be infectious, should inform the Director and leave the venue.
The Club has a "No Cash" policy, so players are asked to pay by EFTPOS. Table fees are $5.00 for Members and $6.00 for Visitors, and players need to be seated 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time for the session.
If you are interested in learning to play bridge, our next set of Beginners' Classes
will commence on Saturday the 1st of March 2025. If you send an email to the Club, your details will be passed on to our bridge teacher and you will be contacted before the commencement date.
Our Clubrooms: The clubroom is located at - 2A Irene Street, Redcliffe, (next to the Redcliffe RSL Club). Car parking is available at both ends of the clubhouse, wheelchair access is available from the western car park. Click here to see our location
Monthly Development Award: Congratulations to Brian Clark, the winner of the February Development Award for members with less than 100 masterpoints.
3Way InterClub Challenge: On Sunday the 16th of February, the club held its annual competition between Caboolture, Moreton-Bribie and Redcliffe bridge clubs. Each club provided 12 pairs and Julie Jeffries was the director for the event, the overall winning pair was Carolyn Adcock and Annette Hyland from the Redcliffe Bridge Club. Many thanks to all the volunteers and members who contributed to making the day a great success.
Congratulations to the Redcliffe club who won the 3Way Challenge by a narrow margin to Caboolture, the trophy was presented by Robert King and Noreen Weyling to President Sue Kennard.See more ...
Nominations for Special Events:
Players can nominate for special club events by clicking on the green booking button below.
Players names will gradually appear on the Events Tab above.
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Redcliffe Bridge Club 2025
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and content managed by
Redcliffe Bridge Club
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